Next, we go through some basic examples on how to use Pysic, starting from launching Python, finishing with relatively advanced scripting techniques.
Once you have installed Python - chances are it is already preinstalled in your system - you can launch the Python interpreter with the command python on the command line:
> python
Python 2.7.2 (#1, Feb 28 2010, 00:02:06)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
This will start up Python in interactive mode and you can start writing commands. For instance:
>>> a = 1+1
>>> a
>>> b = 'hello'
>>> c = b + ' world!'
>>> c
'hello world!'
Another way to run Python is by feeding a source file to the interpreter. Say you have the file containing:
left_first = False
if left_first:
print "Left, right, left!"
print "Right, left, right!"
This can be run with either:
> python
Right, left, right!
or simply:
> ./
Right, left, right!
assuming you have execution permissions for the script. You can also pass command line arguments to a Python script when launching one.
That’s it, basically! In the following examples it is shown how Pysic is set up within Python and how simulations can be run. However, as Python is a powerful language, you will certainly get the most out of Pysic by learning some of the basic features of Python. Taking a look at the official Python tutorial is a good place to start.
Modules are accessed in Python by importing them with the import command. To get access to Pysic, simply write:
>>> import pysic
Then, you can access all the functionality in the module pysic:
>>> pysic_calculator = pysic.Pysic()
>>> pysic.get_names_of_parameters('LJ')
['epsilon', 'sigma']
The Fortran interface module is imported with pysic as, but it is strongly recommended you do not touch the Fortran core directly.
Altogether, when the module pysic is imported, it imports the following non-standard modules:
>>> import pysic.pysic_fortran as pf
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import ase.calculators.neighborlist as nbl
and defines the functions and classes as documented in the syntax description of pysic. In addition, the start_potentials() and start_bond_order_factors() routines of the Fortran core are automatically invoked in order to initialize the descriptors in the core (see potentials (Potentials.f90)). In an MPI environment, the MPI initialization routines start_mpi() are also called from the Fortran core. Finally, the random number generator is initialized in the Fortran core by start_rng().
Here is an example of setting up a Pysic calculator for ASE:
>>> from ase import Atoms
>>> import pysic
>>> system = Atoms('He2', [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 3.0]])
>>> calc = pysic.Pysic()
>>> system.set_calculator(calc)
>>> physics = pysic.Potential('LJ', cutoff = 10.0)
>>> physics.set_symbols(['He', 'He'])
>>> physics.set_parameter_value('epsilon', 0.1)
>>> physics.set_parameter_value('sigma', 2.5)
>>> calc.add_potential(physics)
The example above creates a system of two helium atoms interacting via a Lennard-Jones potential
In the code above, system is an ASE Atoms object containing the structure of the system to be calculated - two He atoms in this case. The object calc is an instance of Pysic, the ASE calculator class defined by Pysic. The interactions governing the system are defined by the physics object, which is an instance of the Potential class of Pysic.
Now, the potential energy of the system and the forces acting on the atoms can be calculated with:
>>> system.get_potential_energy()
>>> system.get_forces()
array([[ 0. , 0. , 0.02211693],
[ 0. , 0. , -0.02211693]])
These commands are addressed to the system object, but under the hood system asks calc, i.e., Pysic, to do the actual calculations. In order to evaluate the requested quantities, Pysic needs the parameters contained in physics.
A more compact way to create the calculator would be:
>>> physics = pysic.Potential('LJ',
... cutoff = 10.0,
... symbols = ['He','He'],
... parameters = [0.1, 2.5])
>>> calc = pysic.Pysic(system, physics)
Setting up more complicated interactions works similarly, as is shown in later examples.
This example shows how to set up a dynamic simulation with ASE (also see the ASE MD tutorial).
First set up a MgO crystal:
from ase.lattice.compounds import Rocksalt
# Set up a crystal
size = 4
lattice_constant = 4.212
system = Rocksalt(size=(size,size,size), symbol=("Mg", "O"),
latticeconstant=lattice_constant, pbc=True)
# Set charges for the atoms
for i in range(len(system)):
if system[i].get_symbol() == "Mg":
elif system[i].get_symbol() == "O":
Create a Pysic calculator. We set up pairwise interactions with the Buckingham potential and a Coulomb interaction:
import pysic
# Set up a calculator
calc = pysic.Pysic()
# Mg-O pair potential
pot_mgo = pysic.Potential('Buckingham', symbols=['Mg','O'], cutoff=8.0, cutoff_margin=1.0)
pot_mgo.set_parameter_value('A', 1284.38)
pot_mgo.set_parameter_value('C', 0.0)
pot_mgo.set_parameter_value('sigma', 0.2997)
# O-O pair potential
pot_oo = pysic.Potential('Buckingham', symbols=['O','O'], cutoff=10.0, cutoff_margin=1.0)
pot_oo.set_parameter_value('A', 9574.96)
pot_oo.set_parameter_value('C', 288474.00)
pot_oo.set_parameter_value('sigma', 0.2192)
# Coulomb interaction
ewald = pysic.CoulombSummation()
ewald.set_parameter_value('epsilon',0.00552635) # epsilon_0 in e**2/(eV A)
ewald.set_parameter_value('k_cutoff',0.7) # one should always test the Ewald parameters for convergence
ewald.set_parameter_value('real_cutoff',10.0) # and optimal speed - long cutoffs can substantially increase
ewald.set_parameter_value('sigma',1.4) # needed cpu time while short cutoffs give incorrect results
Now, let us set up the dynamic simulation.
We initialize the velocity distribution:
from import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
from ase import units
# Set the momenta corresponding to T=300K
MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(system, 300*units.kB)
And define the dynamics as a VelocityVerlet object:
from import VelocityVerlet
# We want to run MD with constant energy using the VelocityVerlet algorithm.
dyn = VelocityVerlet(system, 5*units.fs) # 5 fs time step.
In order to record the ASE trajectory and print information during simulation, we also define observers and attach them to the dynamics. In a similar fashion we can collect whatever information we need:
# Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy.
def print_energy(a=system):
epot = a.get_potential_energy() / len(a)
ekin = a.get_kinetic_energy() / len(a)
print ("Energy per atom: Epot = %.3feV Ekin = %.3feV (T=%3.0fK) Etot = %.3feV" %
(epot, ekin, ekin/(1.5*units.kB), epot+ekin))
dyn.attach(print_energy, interval=100) # print after every 100 steps
# Save a trajectory
from import PickleTrajectory
traj = PickleTrajectory("example.traj", "w", system) # write a trajectory to the file 'example.traj'
dyn.attach(traj.write, interval=10) # save every 10 step
Finally, we run the dynamics: # run for 1000 steps
traj.close() # close the trajectory recording
The following python script demonstrates the Python interface for creating a simple hybrid QM/MM simulation with Pysic. The potentials and calculator parameters used in this example are not physically justified and serve only to illustrate the usage:
#! /usr/bin/env python
from ase.structure import molecule
from pysic import *
from gpaw import GPAW
# Create the atomic system as an ASE Atoms object
ethane = molecule(’C2H6’, cell=(6, 6, 6))
# Create the hybrid calculator
hybrid_calc = HybridCalculator()
# Setup the primary system
gpaw_calc = GPAW(h=0.25, txt=None)
PS = SubSystem("primary", indices=(0, 2, 3, 4), calculator=gpaw_calc)
# Setup the secondary system
1pysic_calc = Pysic()
pysic_calc.add_potential(Potential(’LJ’, symbols=[[’H’, ’C’]], parameters=[0.05, 2.5], cutoff=5))
SS = SubSystem("secondary", indices="remaining", calculator=pysic_calc)
# Setup the interaction between the subsystems
interaction = Interaction("primary", "secondary")
interaction.set_potentials(Potential(’LJ’, symbols=[[’C’, ’C’]], parameters=[0.05, 3], cutoff=5))
interaction.add_hydrogen_links((0, 1), CHL=0.5)
# Do some calculations
# Output results
The code is now split into sections that are further elaborated:
First we define the entire structure that we want to analyze. It is a regular ASE Atoms object:
ethane = molecule(’C2H6’, cell=(6, 6, 6))
A HybridCalculator object is then created. It is the core class in Pysic’s hybrid calculations. The end-user may treat is like any other ASE compatible calculator:
hybrid_calc = HybridCalculator()
A SubSystem object is created for each desired subsystem. A subsystem is defined by giving it a unique name, the indices of the atoms in the subsystem and the calculator which is to be used for it. The newly created SubSystem object is then passed to the HybridCalculator:
# Setup the primary system
gpaw_calc = GPAW(h=0.25, txt=None)
PS = SubSystem("primary", indices=(0, 2, 3, 4), calculator=gpaw_calc)
# Setup the secondary system
pysic_calc = Pysic()
pysic_calc.add_potential(Potential(’LJ’, symbols=[[’H’, ’C’]], parameters=[0.05, 2.5], cutoff=5))
SS = SubSystem("secondary", indices="remaining", calculator=pysic_calc)
Interaction potentials and hydrogen link atoms between any two subsystems are set up by creating an Interaction object. The names of the interacting subsystems are given in the constructor, the first being the primary system, and the latter being the secondary system. Potentials and link atoms are created through simple function calls. Finally the Interaction object is passed to the HybridCalculator:
interaction = Interaction("primary", "secondary")
interaction.set_potentials(Potential(’LJ’, symbols=[[’C’, ’C’]], parameters=[0.05, 3], cutoff=5))
interaction.add_hydrogen_links((0, 1), CHL=0.5)
When the subsystems and interactions are successfully configured, the HybridCalculator can be used like any regular ASE calculator to calculate the potential energy and forces in the system:
The HybridCalculator provides useful tools for inspecting the energies, calculation times and forces related to the different subsystems and interactions:
We have also prepared screencasts demonstrating the use of Pysic.
This is a demonstration of a very simple simulation setup while running Pysic in an interactive Python session.
This is a demonstration of running Pysic with a script, including an MPI parallel run.